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Le Jeu Asterix
Le Jeu Asterix
by Druon (2001)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
40 minutes
  • Trivia
  • Action / Dexterity
  • Comic Book / Strip
  • Designers
  • Jean-Loup Druon
  • Mechanisms
  • Cooperative Play
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Artists
  • Albert Uderzo
  • René Goscinny
  • Family
  • Characters: Asterix
  • Rating: 4/10 from 1 users


    Play the role of Asterix, Obelix and sworn enemies of the Romans and fill in your mission to defeat your opponent! 5 missions 5 different games.

    The game takes place in two stages ....
    Early in the game, Gauls and Romans are preparing for the adventure in their respective camps. The Gauls are reservations of their magic potion and wild boar roasted while the Romans tried to form a powerful army of legionnaires. And they need it!

    Once ready, we go for the adventure. Gauls and Romans out of their camp to compete in the forest. Random boxes "Combat" box and "Mission", players will find the best strategy to defeat their emnemis.

    [The Gauls] win the game if they manage to kill all the legionnaires or that they fulfill their mission before the Romans.

    [The Romans] took the victory if they succeed, a strong attack to deplete magic potion villagers OR if they perform their first mission.

    Its been a long time since I have played it, but basically, you choose one of the 5 book that come with the game. [The golden sickle, Cleopatra, Switzerland, The actress, and the cauldron.] Each has a different mission for the Gauls and the Romans. And each has a different type of combat when either player land on a combat square. It stars as a roll and move to collect potions or money. Then goes into another area of the board where there are miss a go squares, roll again, move to, secret passages...etc.
    When you land on a Combat square, you go to another board where you do a dexterity game. The mission dictates the game. From knocking down Roman figures to flicking coins into the cauldron.
    There are also some trivia questions about the Asterix book and a puzzle to form.

    jouez le role d'asterix, d'obelix ou de leur ennemis jures les romains et remplissez votre mission pour vaincre votre adversaire! 5 missions 5 jeux differents.

    Le jeu se deroule en deux temp....
    En debut de partie, Gaulois et Romains se preparent pour l'aventure dans leur camp respectif. Les Gaulois font leur reserves de potion magique et de sangliers rotis tandis que les Romains tentent de constituer une puissante armee de legionnaires. Et ils en auront besoin!

    Une fois prets, c'est parti pour l'aventure. Gaulois et Romains sortent de leur camp pour s'affronter dans la foret. Au hasard des cases "Combat" et des case "Mission", les joueurs devront trouver la meilleure strategie pour vaincre leurs emnemis.

    [Les Gaulois] gagnent la partie s'ils parviennent a massacrer tout les legionnaires OU s'ils remplissent leur mission avant les Romains.

    [Les Romains] remportent la victoire s'ils parviennent, a force d'attaque, a epuiser les reserves de potion magique des villageois OU si ils accomplissent en premier leur mission.

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