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Things From Another World
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💛 La Mayor Hazaña de la Historia
La Mayor Hazaña de la Historia
by Publijuego (1992)
Player Count
2 to 6

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Nautical
  • Exploration
  • Adventure
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Family
  • Age of Discovery
  • Rating: 5.83/10 from 3 users


    This game depicts the events regarding the Discovery of America. It consists of two phases, the first one on land and the second one in the ocean. In the first phase, players must travel to Portugal, visit Duke of Medinaceli and the Prior of the Monastery in La Rábida, among others, in order to get Recommendation Cards to be able to get an audience with the Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos). Once they get support from the Kings, players will buy food provisions, ships, hire the crew and set sail into the unknown...
    In the second phase, players will have to sail across the immense ocean in order to discover the New World and be able to bring back the news to Spain.

    This game (chosen as the Official Game of the 5th Centennial of the Discovery of America) offers you the possibility to become a Hero (the title translates to "the greatest feat/heroic deed, in history").

    The contents of the game are the following:
    - Semi-reversible game board
    - 70 game cards (Event, 'Self Confidence', 'Recommendation Card', Royal Permission and Pinzón Brothers)
    - 6 Columbus pawns
    - 42 crew counters (21 and 21 sailors)
    - 40 food counters
    - 84 Ducat Coins (28 of each 1500, 500 and 100)
    - 6 Caravels
    - 2 Dice
    - Rulebook

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