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Things From Another World
Katz und Maus
Katz und Maus
by Verlag von Auerbachs Deutschem Kinder Kalender (1913)
Player Count
2 to 11
  • Animals
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Dice Rolling
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Player Elimination
  • Race
  • Artists
  • Gustav Suhr
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Katz und Maus was published as a supplement to Auerbach's Deutschem Kinder-Kalender für 1913.

    Up to 10 players play the mice and one player plays the cat. Te mice have to get from space 1 to space 64 without getting caught by the cat. If the cat and a mouse get on the same space, the mouse gets eaten and is out of play. If a player rolls more than he needs to reach space 64, he has to move the surplus points backwards.

    Movement is determined by 2 dice (only 1 die from space 60 onward). Only the mice may use the diagonal lines, the cat has to go around. If the cat gets on an unnumbered intersection near the image of a cat, it needs to roll doublets to move again or has to pay 3 coins in it's third next turn. If a mouse gets near a hiding hole it may chose to stop there with it's last moving point, to be safe from the cat.

    If the cat rolls a doublet, it may move backwards to catch a mouse. If a mouse rolls a doublet or reaches a space with the image of a mouse, it's roll counts double.

    If the cat gets to space 64 before any mouse it wins the game and the whole stake. If a mouse reaches space 64 the cat may only move up to space 63 and wait there for the remaining mice.

    The players pay a stake of 2 coins for each mouse and the same amount of coins for the cat. If the cat passes a mouse the mouse has to pay 1 coin to the cat and vice versa. If several mice use the same hiding hole, each has to pay 1 coin to the first mouse.

    When there isn't any mouse remaining in play, the mice in space 64 and the cat share the stake.

    —description from the publisher

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