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đź’› James Bond
James Bond
by (Public Domain)
Player Count
2 to 3

Player Ages

Playing Time
3 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Real-time
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Hand Management
  • Speed Matching
  • Family
  • Traditional Card Games
  • Rating: 5.38/10 from 8 users


    James Bond is a game of speed and frantic simultaneous action that takes under five minutes to play. It is played with a standard poker deck with Jokers removed. Each player tries to be the first to transform the piles of cards they have been dealt into sets of four-of-a-kind. They do this by exchanging cards from their piles with the four face-up cards in the center of the table. A player may only hold and look at one of his piles at a time, and may only exchange one card at a time with the one of the cards on the table. There are no turns; everyone works at once. The four face-up cards on the table are thus constantly changing along with the makeup of the players' piles. The first player to have converted all his piles to four-of-a-kind is the winner.

    James Bond is also known as Atlantis or Chanhassen. Players must say the game's name when they've finished in order to win.

    Note: The date and origins of the game are unknown, although it seems to be recent, perhaps as recent as 2009.

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