
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
💛 Jackpot
by Milton Bradley (1974)
Player Count
6 to 16

Player Ages

Playing Time
2 hours
  • Trivia
  • Party Game
  • Deduction
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Game Show
  • Rating: 4.29/10 from 7 users


    Every round begins this way: One player is designated the contestant. The other players receive a folder. Every folder contains a riddle. All but one folder get a value card from $10 to $100. The remaining folder has a card that says “Jackpot!” The Super Target spinner is spun to determine a random three-digit target number and a random four-digit Super Jackpot number.

    The contestant calls upon the others, one at a time, to add their value to the jackpot as long as the contestant can solve the riddles posed. The contestant changes places with riddler who stumped the contestant. When the Jackpot riddle is exposed, the contestant and the riddler split the jackpot if the riddle is solved. When the last three digits of the jackpot match the target number, the Super Jackpot is won by the contestant if the riddle is solved.

    Another round begins when the jackpot riddle is revealed. The number of rounds played is equal to the number of players in the game. The player with most money is the winner.

    The game is faithful adaptation of a television series. Two different versions of the box art exist. One has the game logo on the cover; the other shows a jubilant woman in front of the logo. Both boxes contain the same game.

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