Each player controls one North American Indian Tribe. Players use their people to gather food and to raid each other and the white men.
Different types of tokens are used to undertake actions and record progress:
- Population Tokens (PT) are used to conduct actions such as raiding and hunting. Each Population Token represents about 50 People.
- Land Tokens (LT) are used to give access to food and resources.
- Food Tokens (FT) are used to feed your people. They are gained by claiming certain cards.
- Horse Tokens (HT) give advantages to Raids.
- Weapons Tokens(WT) give advantages to Raids.
- Spirit Tokens (ST) have a variety of uses.
- Trade Tokens (TT) represent things like furs and skins or crafted items that are used to trade with whites for things like weapons and horses.
- Craft Tokens (CT) represent an accumulation of skilled labour.
Players share a common Spirit Card deck. Cards are of 2 basic types: Resource Cards and Bonus Cards.
- Resource cards provide tokens and are then Discarded.
- Bonus Cards are placed face-up in front of the owner and provide either a continuous benefit or are discarded for a one-time benefit.
At the start of the game each player gets 10 PT, 10 LT and 10 ST. A player mater is utilised to track the status of the tribe and indicate how the PT are being utilised throughout the game.
The game is conducted over six turns with each turn comprising 9 phases as follows:
1. Season Phase
- Place 7 x no. of players cards from the top of the spirit deck face up.
2. Braves Phase
- Players take turns activating Population Tokens one at a time. An activated PT can hunt (claim a face up spirit card) or go on a raid or go trading.
3. Hunt Phase
- Resolve Spirit Card purchases and conversions as soon as they are claimed. Some Spirit Cards have a purchase cost in tokens. This must be paid immediately. If the purchase cost cannot be paid, the card cannot be claimed. If the Spirit Card is a resource card, immediately gain the indicated type of tokens and then discard the card.
4. Territory Phase
- If you have more LT than PT, gain FT equal to the difference.
- If you have less LT than PT, lose FT equal to the difference.
5. Food Phase
- Each player discards FT equal to their PT.
- If they are short then roll once on a Starvation Table for each FT they are short and resolve results.
6. Raid Phase
- Players take turns conducting Raids.
- Each PT held in reserve conducts its own raid.
- When making a Raid, declare the target of the Raid:
Target Opponent, Non-player Tribe, or White Men.
- Roll for results on the appropriate raid table and resolve accordingly.
7. Trade Phase
- Players may trade Tokens with each other or with white men (using set conversion rates)
8. Encroachment Phase
- Each player rolls once on an Encroachment Table and resolves results accordingly.
9. Spirit Phase
- All unclaimed face-up Spirit Cards are discarded.
The game is played over six turns. At the end of the 6th turn scoring is conducted as follows:
Player with most LT gets 10 VP
Player with most PT gets 9 VP
Player with most HT gets 8 VP
Player with most WT gets 7 VP
Player with most ST gets 6 VP
Player with most CT gets 5 VP
Player with most TT gets 3 VP
Player with most FT gets 2 VP
Player with the most Bonus Cards get 4 VP
If tied in a category, all tied players get the points -1.
The player with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game wins.
If at any point during the game a player loses all his Population Tokens or Land Tokens he automatically loses.
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