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Puzzle Master
💛 Ich Zweifle Es
Ich Zweifle Es
by (Unpublished)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages
  • Card Game
  • Bluffing
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • Janice Freeman
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Family
  • Shedding Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    When shown a sample color, the learner will be able to say the German word for this color. The learner will be able to say the German words for the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    The dealer shuffles the cards and deals the whole deck of cards one at a time to each player. Players group their cards by color. The first player to discard all of their cards is the winner. Starting with the player at the dealers left, players must discard from one to four cards. The first player to discard must discard aces (blue cards), the second player two's (red cards), the third player three's (green cards), etc.

    The players say in German how many and what color of cards they are discarding. If a player doesn't have the color to discard for that turn, the player must bluff. The player puts other cards down, but says the color of card for his or her turn. Other players can then say "Ich Zweifle Es", or I doubt it. The first player to accuse is the one who calls the bluff. A player who is caught bluffing must pick up the whole discard pile. A player wrongly accusing another player of bluffing must pick up the discard pile instead. Play then continues to the next player who must discard the next color in order. Remember to practice your German!

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