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💛 I Am: Sport Edition
I Am: Sport Edition
by Boxer Games (2006)
Player Count
2 to 8

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Card Game
  • Dice
  • Trivia
  • Party Game
  • Sports
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Sports Trivia
  • Rating: 5/10 from 1 users


    Card and dice game where 50 of the 60 cards hold 6 clues about a famous sporting person. The 1st clues are very hard (typically birth date alone), and get subsequently easier until the final 6th clue which actually tells you the name of the person!
    To start, a player (randonly chosen) looks at the first card (in secret). The player to his left then rolls the 6-sided die. The caller then consults his card and reads out the corresponding clue as the player rolled. The roller then tries to guess the name of the famous sporting person. If guessed correctly the card is won by the roller, and then the pack and die both move clockwise for the next player to roll and the previous roller now gets to cross-reference the die score against the next card drawn.
    There are some gifts if you roll low, as these are the harder clues.
    If you roll 'one' you receive the first clue, but in addition you are allowed another roll to see if you manage to roll a 'two'. If so you receive the 2nd clue. If you still haven't guessed the sporting celeb you are allowed to roll again to see if you roll 'three' etc. This is called the Rule of One.
    The Rule of Two - if a player rolls 'two' they get to hear the 2nd and 3rd clues.
    If you roll a 'six' you effectively get given the card as the 6th clue is the person's name.
    The remaining 10 cards in the pack are bonus cards that when drawn are revealed by the caller. They either allow him to steal subsequent cards if not guessed correctly, or ask for extra clues, or whether the subject is male or female when it is his own turn in rolling and guessing.
    When all the pack is used up then the game is over and the player with the most won cards is the victor. However as this can last a long time (especially if knowledge of the subject is poor), time restraint can be imposed by pre-agreeing a number of celebs for victory.
    This is a U.K. game and therefore the sportsmen and women are predominantly famous to a U.K. audience either by virtue of being well-known domestically, and/or by having global reknown.

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