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💛 Hellfire Pass
Hellfire Pass
by Consim Press
Player Count
1 to 2

Player Ages

Playing Time
3 hours
  • Wargame
  • World War II
  • Designers
  • Frank Chadwick
  • Artists
  • Rodger B. MacGowan
  • Mark Simonitch
  • Charles Kibler
  • Todd Davis
  • Family
    Rating: 6.33/10 from 3 users



    The time is 0515 hrs, 15 June 1941

    The British offensive, code-named Operation Battleaxe, began at 0515 hours, June 15th, 1941. The aim was to overrun the Axis frontier positions, defeat the Axis armored reserves, and then drive west to relieve Tobruk. The attack came to grief in large part because of the deadly fire of German 88s well-emplaced in several key positions, but most famously at the key defile of Halfaya Pass, forever after known as Hellfire Pass.


    Hellfire Pass is a World War II simulation of the British Battleaxe offensive on 15-17 June, 1941. Operation Brevity is also included as an introductory scenario. This game marks a long-awaited, new chapter for the fast-playing, operational-level system enjoyed by many in Beda Fomm – a classic Frank Chadwick game design. The popularity of the game system is its blend of simple gaming mechanics that delivers fast-paced, nail-biting action suitable for solitaire or competition play.

    Fans of Beda Fomm will be pleased to learn that the original game system has been retained, while also evolving and elaborating on it to best capture the protracted nature of the battles in this game. Both the Brevity and Battleaxe offensives were examples of protracted combat where both sides were challenged to sustain their efforts in the field while also maneuvering aggressively over a wider landscape. New rules covering Supply, Repairs and Regrouping, and Morale Recovery represent additions that speak to that need to sustain operations in the face of losses. The game also reflects the greater availability of certain weapons – primary AT guns.

    Now available for preorder from Consim Press

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