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💛 Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten: Das Spiel zur Serie
Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten: Das Spiel zur Serie
by Klee (1995)
Player Count
2 to 10

Player Ages
  • Bluffing
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The game is based on the German TV series "Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten".
    The whole game board has square fields like a chess board.
    There are additional drawn walls which separate parts of the boards from each other (rooms). The lines have spaces where the rooms are linked (doors).
    There are 20 differnt pawns representing each a different character of the TV series.
    At the begin of the game, each player gets 2 cards of the character stock, showing each 1 character/pawn and a room Card showing 1 room.
    The player who is first to get his 2 character in the room of his room card wins.
    On players turn he rolls 2 dice and moves 1 character for each of the die the number shown. Movement is allowed horizontal, vertical and diagonal also with changing while moving. Moving through walls is not allowed.
    One of the oppenents (the fasted) may say which charcter is owned by the actual user. If this is right the Player has to show this character card and has only 1 die and 1 move in his next turns.
    If the opponent is wrong, he has to show one of his character cards with the same effect. If a player has to Show his second card, he looses and is out of the game.
    The game can also end if only 1 player is in the game. This player has won the game.

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