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Guild Ball: Mortician Starter Set
Guild Ball: Mortician Starter Set
by Steamforged Games Ltd. (2015)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 2 hours
  • Wargame
  • Medieval
  • Sports
  • Miniatures
  • Mechanisms
  • Action Point Allowance System
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Description from the publisher:

    Morticians’ play style is about planning and execution. They control play with a huge amount of influence at their disposal, along with the ability to steal more from their opponent. Their play feels very much like setting traps, triggering the snare and then punishing their opponent. Mid-game is where they really shine - once well laid plans have turned to mush, Morticians can begin to dictate the play.

    Morticians provide an interesting take on ‘force projection’ by making their opponents consider how and where they’re going to position models.

    Morticians will reward players who like to dominate and control the game by playing mind tricks on their opponents.

    They say that form is temporary; class is forever. The Morticians may not have a lot of class but it feels like they have been peddling their peculiar mix of malice and tradition forever. Armed with the experience earned from decades on the pitch, playing against the Deadheads can be an exercise in frustration as teams find themselves demotivated and inexplicably surrendering the ball.

    If mind games are your stock in trade, then the Mortician's Guild have a coaching role for you. Through Obulus you will be controlling not only your own team but also that of your opponent; in Graves and Cosset you have the power and the means to quickly finish those that your insidious captain has moved into position.

    This set provides you with all you need to start playing the Mortician's Guild.

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