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Go! Go! Go!
by (Web published) (2003)
Player Count
3 to 1
  • Wargame
  • Miniatures
  • Modern Warfare
  • Video Game Theme
  • Designers
  • Jim Wallman
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Free Wargames
  • Rating: 4.75/10 from 2 users


    An umpired tactical miniatures wargame based on modern counter-terrorist operations as portrayed in first-person shooter computer games.

    Excerpts from the rules:

    "This figures game is closely modelled on the first person perspective computer game called Counterstrike."

    "This version is played with maps and figures to allow some freedom of action and interaction with the environment not available in the computer game - and to allow people not very good at this sort of computer game to get some of the enjoyment of it. It is also handy when a multi-computer LAN isn't immediately to hand."

    "The players are in two teams, Counter Terrorist and Terrorists. The game is just about an assault - which has a time limit - in which either the objective is secured or the operation is bungled."

    "Each player team has a separate map of the operational area, and a set of figures representing their them, and the rest of their team, and the enemy."

    "Ideally, a separate map for each player should be used, but if space and time are limited, a map per team is ok. It is important that the layout of each map is screened from the opposition."

    "Game Control updates these maps each turn, showing what they can seen from the team's perspective. Strict observance of lines of sight must be followed and enemy figures not in sight are removed from the map."

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