
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by (Web published) (2013)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Rey Alicea
  • Mechanisms
  • Area Enclosure
  • Area Movement
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Artists
  • Rey Alicea
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Frey is an abstract game similar to Go played on the line segments of a base 4 hex board.

    The object is to surround the largest total area with your color wooden segments.

    Player with the highest score wins.

    Two players Red and Blue take turns placing wooden segments in their color onto the empty line segments of a base 4 Hex board.

    Red plays first then play alternates.

    On your turn you have one of two choices,

    1) Place a wooden segment in your color onto an empty line segment of the board or
    2) Move a wooden segment in your color currently on the board to another empty line segment by pivoting off of one of said segments endpoints.

    Pivots and Breaks
    Pivoting off an endpoint is only allowed if

    1) The endpoints that your pivoting off of are free, not connected to your opponents pieces or
    2) The endpoints that your pivoting off of are connected to your own pieces.

    When pivoting, a segment may not cross over either a friendly nor enemy piece.

    A Break is when you pivot one of your like color connected segments breaking them into two segments.

    Capturing your opponents segments is done by surrounding them with your color segments from endpoint to endpoint.
    You may not play into any area that has been closed off by your opponents segments.

    The game ends when the board is full or no valid moves can be made.

    Count all of your captured enemy pieces and all of the spaces surrounded by your colored pieces. Each captured piece is worth .5 points apiece and the spaces are worth 1 point apiece.

    Highest score wins.

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