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Freaky Farkle Dice Game
Freaky Farkle Dice Game
by TDC Games, Inc. (2021)
Player Count
2 to 99

Player Ages
  • Dice
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    HOW TO PLAY: You've got six regular dice to roll, scoring points for various combinations. But a special freaky die makes it much more fun! If you're hot, keep rolling and racking up points. But if you roll without scoring, you Farkle and lose your accumulated points.

    SHARKLE OR SPARKLE: A special freaky die makes it much more fun! If you roll a Sharkle, you get to take a bite out of opponents’ points. And if you Sparkle, double your points for that turn! Will you go big, or will you go bust? Roll & risk and freakin’ find out!

    HOW TO WIN: Score your points for various combinations. Highest score wins.

    FREAKY DICE: Set of Freaky Farkle dice & instructions.

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