
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by The Game Crafter, LLC (2009)
Player Count
4 to 8

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes
  • Party Game
  • Designers
  • Michael Ingersoll
  • Rating: 4.5/10 from 2 users


    Frazed is a strange social game designed for 4-8 players ages 12 and up. The idea of Frazed is simple, and a bit mischevious.
    Write a sentence or phrase that someone else would be unable or unwilling to say outloud one time through without stopping, within five seconds of recieving it.

    Frazed challenges the players' creativity, vocabulary, acting skills, social inhibitions, concentration, knowledge of their friends and their silliness tolerance all at the same time.

    Have you ever wanted to make your friends confess to a crime they didn't committ, make them sing out loud, stammer over the weirdest thing that comes to your mind, act like a fool or simply make the laugh till they are red in the face and crying? Well Here Is Your Chance!

    The game consists of two parts. The Fraze card which details a type of sentence category along the lines of tongue twisters, compliments, insults, confessions, secrets, gibberish etc and a second deck of cards called Exploits. Exploits are ways in which the sentence should be read, or act as a distraction while trying to read the phrase. Exploit categories for example might be miming a death scene, talking in your best German accent, or reading the sentence really fast.

    During any particular players' turn there are two people in an interaction. The Scribe and the Reciter; the Scribe has the challenge of choosing from a limited number of fraze and exploits that he believes the Reciter will find difficult to say in front of a group. He must consider several things, his personal knowledge of the Reciter, such as personal hang ups about saying something silly in front of a group, whether his spirit could say take the brunt awkwardness of confessing to something he didn't do, while perhaps talking like a munchkin.

    The Reciter will have his/her social inhibitions challenged in simply performing in front of a group, pronouncing a made up word, or punching out a tongue twister. Since the Reciter has a very limited time to process what he/she is about to say it also provides a psycological component as it can sometimes be difficult to psyche oneself up under limited time constraints.

    Points are awarded according to a simple scale, whether the Reciter was able to read the sentence out loud under duress without stopping, laughing, stammering etc, within five seconds, and whether he was able to perform the exploit to a satisfactory level.

    There is a simple system where disagreements regarding the performance was acceptable or not, or whether the attempt was successful.

    Buy a copy of Frazed Today!


    * fraze Deck (75 cards)
    * exploit Deck (71 cards)
    * Frazed Rules Deck (12 cards)
    * frazed rules Document

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