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💛 Football Managers
Football Managers
by (Unpublished)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 3 hours
  • Sports
  • Designers
  • Dimitris Dimou
  • Mechanisms
  • Simulation
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • Dimitris Dimou
  • Family
    Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Board football team management game. Matches, players trading, random and non-random events determine the ultimate champion.
    The players starts witn an amount of 40 million euros and obtain players with a range of 5-9 ability. As more the ability as much the money needed for buying. After that the players (if want) expand the capacity of their soccer field so they can sell more tickets on the home matches they play. The match is played by one dice and the winner gets 3 points instead of 1 for tie and 0 for lose. The winner is the player who gets winning points with the follow system .
    10 winning points for the champion
    5 winning points for the second place in the championship
    6 winning points forr the Cup winner
    2 winning points for the Cup finalist.
    0,5 points for every 1.000.000 remain in the final treasury of the team.
    In the middle of the season the players can change and axchange players.

    Also there are random facts with cards that can change the rank of the players.

    Επιτραπ?ζιο παιχν?δι διαχε?ρισης ποδοσφαιρικ?ς ομ?δας. Αγ?νες, αγοραπωλησ?ες παικτ?ν, τυχα?α και μη γεγον?τα καθορ?ζουν τον τελικ? πρωταθλητ?.

    Giocco dal tavolo gestione della squadra. Giochi, negoziazione giocatore, casuali e non casuali eventi determinano il campione finale.

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