
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Family Party
Family Party
by Erickson (2020)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Party Game
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The goal of the game is to strengthen family well-being and allow family members to feel united and strong together.
    To play, the Challenge cards and the Bonus cards must be shuffled and 15 are randomly selected by placing them face down in the center of the table, thus forming the deck of Game cards.
    Each card contains a challenge. The challenge is described on the card and also clarified through some icons that indicate the time and the game mode.
    Whoever wins a challenge earns the points indicated on the card and passes the turn to the player with the fewest points, in case of a tie to the player on his left.
    The player who has earned the most points at the end of the Game deck wins. In case of a tie, the youngest player.

    —user summary

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