
Active Sellers
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Family Faceoff
Family Faceoff
by Skyler Innovations (2022)
Player Count
4 to 99

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Party Game
  • Designers
  • Kim Holderness
  • Penn Holderness
  • Mechanisms
  • Partnerships
  • Singing
  • Acting
  • Rating: 10/10 from 1 users


    Family Faceoff is soon to be a Family Game Night Favorite! Imagine if charades, a scavenger hunt, and karaoke night had a baby. That’s Family Faceoff. This game is meant to get you moving. It will exercise your body, your mind, and your funny bone. It’s the kind of game where parents and kids are equal, and you could finish in 20 minutes, or spend an entire rainy day playing.
    Participants divide into two teams. There are four decks of cards, each with a different type of challenge: Faceoff, Guess It, Find It, or Act It. The teams take turns spinning a spinner to choose the category of the current challenge. Each team will have a chance to defeat a challenge from the category.
    If the category is Guess It, contestants try to get their team to correctly guess the missing word, "BLOBS", of well known song lyrics in the allotted time, replacing one or two words with BLOBS. If the category is Act It, contestants act out clues charades style in the allotted time for one point for each guessed correctly. If the category is Find It, contestants must find an item in their vicinity that matches the stated clue, one point per successful find in the allotted time. If the category is Faceoff, the two teams face off on a physical challenge (like "spin around 10 times as fast as you can") or a mental challenge (like "name all the fruits") and the team to meet the physical challenge first or be the last team standing in the mental challenge wins 3 points.
    The first team to score 20 points wins. Ambitious teams are challenged to go to 40 points! House rules are encouraged.

    Created in the minds of the virally funny Holderness Family and brought to you by the creators of Watch Ya’ Mouth.

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