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💛 Equity
by (Self-Published) (2016)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 2 hours
  • Economic
  • Bluffing
  • Negotiation
  • Mechanisms
  • Trading
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Commodity Speculation
  • Rating: 8.11/10 from 7 users


    Equity is an experimental economy board game played by 3 to 6 people from twelve years up.

    Inspired by real scientific research on finance bubbles, Equity is a challenging tabletop board game that is competitive, social, filled with strategic choices and surprising outcomes! To win the game, you must trade in stocks and art and be the first player to own a yacht and have 50,000 in cash!

    The trading is usually done through auctions. The stocks have no price and have no value when the game is over, but pay out a dividend as long as the game is still going. The art cards are also bought through auctions, but they get their value from the drawing of action cards with the chance of getting an art buyer card to sell the art.

    There are also many chances to bluff and trade with your opponents during the game and many different strategies of how to win. Stay in cash, get all the stocks, only buy art or sell your cards to other players. The yacht may be bought only once every seventh turn, so get your money together and time it right. You might not want the other players to think that you are about to win!

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