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Puzzle Master
💛 Enigma
by (Self-Published) (2014)
Player Count

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Deduction
  • World War II
  • Designers
  • RJ Tomlinson
  • Mechanisms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Artists
  • RJ Tomlinson
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 5.38/10 from 10 users


    Enigma is a micro board game for two, which is played on a small battle map and uses playing cards to code and decode messages. Each player, using his own deck of playing cards, will code a single word using one of two ciphers available to them. Once both players have coded a message they will then exchange the cards and start to decode their opponent’s password. The first to crack the code will have several strategical maneuvers available at his disposal while the person who fails to crack the code will be given only one move. The key objective is to control as much of your enemy’s territory as possible before the game ends after ten rounds of code cracking.

    Place the map between you and your opponent. In addition to the map, each player has a card shield to place upright in front of them. This not only keeps your code making secret but also is used to show the two ciphers available for coding. To begin, each player should have 5 pennies placed on opposite sides of the map (on the edge closest to you). At this point, you should be ready to start creating codes.

    Each turn begins with both players creating a code using one of two ciphers available. The secret code must be at least three letters long and not have the same letter repeating more than twice. Once both players have cards selected to spell out their coded word, exchange cards. At this point, the person who can correctly decode their opponent’s message first will be awarded the next move on the map.The player who successfully decoded the message will have a list of maneuvers they can choose from while the other opponent (who failed) is only allowed one single move.

    Game end
    The game ends when all ten rounds of code cracking have been completed and all final moves have been made. The game play length can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the amount of rounds to be played.

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