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💛 En Avant!
En Avant!
by (Web published) (2003)
Player Count
3 to 1
  • Wargame
  • Miniatures
  • Napoleonic
  • Designers
  • Jim Wallman
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Free Wargames
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    En Avant! Tactical Warfare in the Age of Napoleon.

    From the rulebook introduction:

    "This system is designed to play out a regimental level battle using 25mm figures in about half an hour or so."

    "Ideally, the game is controlled by someone acting as Game Control (or Umpire) who does not give the rules to the players. This adds some uncertainty play and discouraged player from ‘rules optimising' rather than just getting on ad playing the game."

    "In order make it as clear as possible what is going on, the status of the units is shown by labels next to the unit, and players issue orders by using order flashcards. The system does not use dice in combat resolution, which is an approach that is a unusual in most wargaming circles and will come as a bit of shock to conventional gamers."

    "This does give a slight chess-like feel to the game, and it does mean that a game which follows the same course will always have the same result. Fortunately, no game survives first contact with the players, and the chances of two games being exactly alike is small."

    "Although the rules were tested using 25mm figures, it doesn’t really matter what size models you use, and it might look more realistic to put, say, 15mm or 1/300 scale figures on the same sized base."

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