Elias: Spillet om den lille redningsskøyta
Description(Translated from the box, in Norwegian) Title: Elias: the game of the little rescue boat You have gotten a new rescue mission. A boat is in trouble out by the Galleskjærene! As Elias you immediately have to travel from Lunvik to rescue the boat in trouble. Do you choose the short, but dangerous route through Skumlesund, or do you take the long, but safe route around? You have to move as fast as possible around the sea, but suddenly you get an unexpected mission. Maybe you have to rescue Tråle out from Skumlesund, or pull Kruse off the rocks or deliver supplies to Storeblink. Some of Elias' friends will also show up. Kjapp will help you in achieving the speed that you need, and Helinor brings you directly to the boat you want to rescue. The player who rescues the most boats wins the game. This game is based on a Norwegian television show for children - Elias. Game DiscussionsAdd CommentYou need to be logged in to comment. Insert Bullet List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Numeric List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Link Please enter the link of the website Optionally you can add display text Insert Email Please enter the email address Optionally add any display text Insert Image Please enter the link of the image Insert YouTube Video Please enter the link of the video MarketplaceNo listings at the moment. Do you own this game? Click here to list it for sale.
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