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Das Spiel der Werbung
Das Spiel der Werbung
by RG Wiesmeier Werbeagentur GmbH
Player Count
3 to 6
  • Dice
  • Trivia
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Dice Rolling
  • Events
  • Track Movement
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    In the Das Spiel der Werbung ("Game of Advertising"), the players each run an advertising agency with which they have to collect 50 medals as quickly as possible.

    The players move their figures across the board with 2 dice and can move onto budget fields or event fields. On "budget" fields they receive a "budget" card and thus medals if they get through the "pitch" (answer a question correctly, solve an advertising task, etc.) and can pay the presentation costs. On event fields, cards are drawn and you can win or lose money and medals.

    The questions included in the game require a basic knowledge of the advertising industry.

    —user summary

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