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Cthulhu Quest
Cthulhu Quest
by Warp Spawn Games (2011)
Player Count
2 to 4
  • Card Game
  • Designers
  • Lloyd Krassner
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Card Drafting
  • Family
  • Cthulhu Mythos
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A card game for 2-4+ players with a Cthulhu theme.

    Players share a common deck comprising 10 card types: Investigator, Ally, Object, Book, God, Monster, Location, Transport, Spell and Event. Each player is dealt a hand of 13 cards.

    Players take turns with each turn having 4 phases:

    Investigation Phase
    - Draw 2 cards from the deck and put them in your hand.

    Insanity Phase
    - You may discard 1 card from your hand for its effect (e.g. discarding a Transport card allows you to look at the next 5 cards in the deck and keep one; discarding a God card allows you to discard your hand and draw 9 new cards).

    Story Phase
    - You may play a Meld. A Meld must include the following: 1 Investigator card, 0 to 2 Ally cards, 0 to 1 Object card, 0 to 1 Book card, 0 to 1 God card, 1 to 2 Monster cards, 1 to 2 Location cards, 0 to 1 Transport card, 0 to 1 Spell card, 0 to 1 Event card.
    - Melds score story points for the number of cards in the meld (3 cards is worth 2 Story Point (SP), 4 cards is worth 4 SP, 5 cards is worth 6 SP and so on …..). Certain card combinations will award extra Story Points.

    Mythos Phase
    - If you played a Meld this turn, draw X cards where X is the number of cards in the Meld. Max hand size is 13 cards - discard excess cards.

    The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck and no one can play a Meld. The player with the most Story Points (SP) wins.

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