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Things From Another World
💛 Conquerings
by Holy Cheese Games
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 5 hours
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Action / Dexterity
  • Medieval
  • Fighting
  • Designers
  • Nicholas Robinson
  • Mechanisms
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Partnerships
  • Role Playing
  • Simulation
  • Variable Phase Order
  • Player Elimination
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Conquerings is a rapid action dexterity game featuring the patent pending Moveable Target mechanic.

    The Moveable Target mechanic is the novel concept of strategy ring toss. It includes multiple peg boards where the pegs are spaced so that one ring has the potential of getting many pegs. In addition to a ring getting multiple pegs and a kingdom encompassing multiple peg boards there are also targets that can be placed on/around pegs and moved around to activate abilities for attacking and defending kingdoms.

    This is a game full of genres. Players choose a Kingdom with associated Kingdom Boards. The Kingdoms are one of Pirates, Zombies, Knights, Pig Cyborgs, Angels or Fairies.(With expansions Yeti, Sorceress, Treants, Reptilians, Cowboys, Sirens)
    Players decide if they wish to play teams or free for all. Teams can be any of 2v2, 2v2v2, 3v3. (With expansions up to 12 players for up to 6 teams of 2, 4 teams of 3, 3 teams of 4 or 2 teams of 5-6)

    Players have associated roles or abilities with their Kingdom of Healer, Tank or Fighter(With expansions to include the Punisher role, Engineer role and Conjurer role). The game includes the Moveable Target™ mechanic where players will all attack at once or without order by throwing rings at opponent's kingdom boards. Once the battle round ends, results are scored and play continues until the phase ends. There is a store or decision phase between battle rounds for players to make choices to obtain more rings and/or defensive targets and/or offensive targets and/or morale to steer their game play as they desire.

    The goal is to earn Victory Points by surviving and defeating your enemies. At the end of the game the player or team with the most Victory Points wins the game.

    Expansions include variations of capture the flag, castling, demolition, death match, defeat the leader, and multiple types of combat phases.

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