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Confusion the card game
Confusion the card game
by (Self-Published) (2011)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Party Game
  • Mechanisms
  • Trick-taking
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Rating: 4.5/10 from 2 users


    Confusion is a card game for 2-5 players. It is a every man for himself trick after trick game. Players main goal is to be the first to empty their hand. Players play one to six card melds to attempting to win tricks. All the cards have a primary value but also have secondary purposes. Since a card(s) can only be played on a lower value card(s), winning tricks with high cards and secondary purposes of cards allow players to lead a new trick with their low value cards. A game consists of hands scored on the order in which players empty their hands.

    Players can be dealt in or out as the game or social situation requires. All players have equal hand sizes to start each hand. Game play changes with the number of players playing the game (even though the rules and scoring are the same) since all the cards are dealt out each hand and depending on the number of players each player will have a different hand size even though they have the same number as all others playing that hand.

    A game for a new player would take about 20 minutes from start to finish. Despite the name the game makes more and more sense as you play since many of the secondary purposes of cards are actually very intuitive. The game consists of 45 cards 4 suits and 2 un-suited cards.

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