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Puzzle Master
Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon Rolls
by (Web published) (2015)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Dice
  • Economic
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Jake Staines
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Press Your Luck
  • Artists
  • Jake Staines
  • Family
  • Holidays: Christmas
  • Rating: 5.67/10 from 3 users


    In Cinnamon Rolls, players are Christmas Market traders, trying to make enough money over the Christmas Market season to buy their friends and family awesome Christmas presents.

    The game plays over the course of three or four weeks (rounds). At the beginning of each week players buy stalls, and then take it in turns to roll for customers at the market. Each stall activates on a particular dice roll, giving the owner an income, and the player who rolls must select which particular stall that this customer buys from. If you're the only player with a stall that activates on a 10, then you might get a payout even on other players' turns!

    Owning some stalls allows a player to re-roll or flip one of the dice, giving them much more of a chance to activate their high-profit jewelry or luxury watch stall... while some other stalls activate every time someone rolls their number, regardless of whose turn it is. Players must pick the best combination of stalls with their limited workforce to increase their chances of earning the most money by the end of market season.

    Cinnamon Rolls is a single-sheet game that relies only on a few items most gamers will already have around the house, and is intended to be printed on the inside face of Christmas cards for gamers.

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