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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
đź’› Chuco
by Archuleta Enterprises (1978)
Player Count
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Mechanisms
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Family
  • Hunt games
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Components: 5 x 7 Grids
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    This is an asymmetrical abstract game of movement. The game board is a grid of squares six deep by four wide, with the four squares in the upper left excluded and replaced by the game label. The result is two columns of four squares and two of six squares, with stars at each corner numbered from 1 to 31.

    The stars are connected by pathways orthogonally and along alternating diagonals, so a given star may have as few as three connections on an edge and eight in the middle of the board.

    One player takes the Chuco, a single large black plastic figure, and the other player takes 12 smaller blue hunters. Pieces may move one space along any path to an empty star, but the Chuco can jump an adjacent hunter if there is an open space behind it.

    The Chuco moves first, starting on star #13, third rank in the middle. The hunters start across the first two ranks and on the two edge stars on the third rank. The hunters win if they can immobilize the Chuco by surrounding it on star 27. Since doing so requires all 12 hunters, the Chuco player wins by jumping a single hunter.

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