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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
💛 Chiyawa
by NIBCARD (2017)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 40 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Farming
  • Dice
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Kenechukwu Ogbuagu
  • Mechanisms
  • Area Movement
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • Kenechukwu Ogbuagu
  • Segun Babalola
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Chiyawa is a casual game where players who assume to be Farmers seek to feed their animals. The game is played by rolling a dice and then moving to feed your own animal with the grass thus the origin of the name CHIYAWA (which means GRASS in Hausa Language).

    Player: 2-4 players

    Time: 15 minutes average


    I Game board
    40 Playing Token
    1 dice

    How to Play

    1. Players set their animal pen (each player has 10 animals which is signified by the same colour)
    2. Players start the game by rolling the dice (any player can start the game)
    3. Rolling 6 or 3 on the dice allows you bring your animal o the GATE. When players roll a 6, they play again. The difference between 6 and 3 is that, rolling a 6 allows you to roll the dice again while 3 doesn’t.
    4. Once animals are brought to the gate, any number rolled can move them on the board either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. They can also move forward and backwards. However, animals will move towards one direction at each turn. For instance, if a player rolls a 4, if they choose to move vertically, they cannot change direction until their next run.
    5. Players can bring in as much animals to the gate as they want till there is no animal to bring as long as they are getting 6 and 3 or they can decided to move the animal already at the gate.

    Moving on the board

    1. Players can move forward or backward
    2. Players can move vertically, diagonally, horizontally but can’t combine them at once in a turn. If player starts moving vertically, they have to finish it.

    Eating Grass

    Once any animal is eating grass (when an animal is on a grass box), it is considered that the space/grass is gone in the game and so will not be counted anymore. This means that when any player is moving their animal, they MUST JUMP the space that has another animal on it to the next available space in that direction.


    The water on the board is a bonus attraction. Once on it, it simply means to move one step immediately to any direction.

    Balance of SIX (6)

    If all your animals are in play (that means there are no more animal in your pen) or at the gate and you roll a 6, it means you would have to withdraw an animal that is not already eating grass back to the pen.

    End of game

    The game ends when any players finish feeding their animals.

    To Win

    The first farmer (player) to get all their animals to feed (eat grass) wins the game.

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