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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by 3M (1973)
Player Count
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 4.5/10 from 2 users


    This 'new and exclusive' game from 3M comes in a box with three other classic strategic games: Go-Moku, Go and Backgammon.

    The box bears the title:

    Games of logic from 3M : THE PROBLEM SOLVERS

    From the rules:

    The game of CASTILLION is played on a board of 14 x 14 squares with both players starting with 24 counters - or soldiers.

    The object is to capture your opponents's castle (the corner square) and return safely to your own with his fortune - the stake money.

    The box contains the rules, boards and pieces for all four games.

    Inside box cover:

    Games of logic from 3M : THE PROBLEM SOLVERS

    "He thinks too much: such men are dangerous" - Julius Caesar, Act I.
    For once we cannot agree with Shakespeare.
    For us at 3M, and for you, our customer, thinking is how we earn our bread and butter.
    When we don our thinking caps at 3M we seek new concepts and new improvements in magnetic media for computers. As hardware manufacturers think up ways to extend the boundaries of data processing science and techniques so we are making available, today, tapes and discs suitable for use on tomorrow´s computers.
    We are solving such problems as head-to-disc interferences, and the attraction of air bone contaminants by static build up. You might call us "The Problem Solvers".
    This box holds the first of a fascinating series of games selected for their unique blend of mental challenge and strategic contest.
    Subsequent games will be produced as matching sets to be kept in this box. The numbers being prepared are strictly limited so these sets are likely to become a sought-after collectors´ item - particularly since some of the games are available from no other source.
    We hope you enjoy them.
    Computer Products 3M.

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