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Bubble Bomb
Bubble Bomb
by AMIGO, Broadway Toys LTD (2015)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes
  • Real-time
  • Designers
  • Henri Kermarrec
  • Mechanisms
  • Memory
  • Pattern Building
  • Artists
  • Henri Kermarrec
  • Christine Hoffmeyer
  • Rating: 4.71/10 from 28 users


    In Bubble Bomb, players use their bubbles to create bombs, or perhaps set bombs off — whatever the case might be, you need to get your bubbles in order to match target bombs and win.

    To set up, each player takes seven double-sided chips from a bag, with each side of the chip showing a colored symbol; nine additional chips are placed in the center of the table. Nine double-sided bomb tiles are placed to the side, and each bomb tile shows either a color or a symbol, but not both.

    Everyone plays simultaneously, with each player flipping her chips one by one, flipping chips in the center of the table one by one, and swapping one of her chips for one of the publicly available chips. As soon as all seven of a player's chips match one of the target bombs — say, by being all pink or all triangles or one of each color — that player yells "Boom!" She then identifies the matching bomb, places one of her chips aside as a one-point scoring marker, draws a new chip from the bag, then flips over that bomb before play resumes.

    If a player matches two bombs simultaneously — e.g., all blue and one of each symbol — she sets aside two tokens instead of one. If a players matches the Bubble Bomb, which calls for one of each color and one of each symbol, she claims the Bubble Bomb (even if another player claimed it earlier), then swaps all of her chips for seven in the middle of the table before play resumes; the Bubble Bomb is worth three points at the end of the game.

    With four players, the game ends when the final chip is drawn from the bag and the player with the most points wins; with 2-3 players, the first player to collect nine points wins.

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