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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
💛 Boardcraft
by Just Game, LLC (2014)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Tom Tracey
  • Joseph Abrams
  • Nathaniel Arons
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Modular Board
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Rating: 5/10 from 3 users


    Boardcraft is a modular board building and manipulation game. Set in an eclectic fantasy world, players build a board during the game, but can also change the board throughout the game. The board is consisted of 3x3 tiles with a random assortment of different terrains on them, including grass, water, marsh, boulder and lava.

    Each player can also change the board in unique ways by swapping tiles, removing tiles or rotating tiles. This is most important because there are lava squares and players always need to be aware of how those tiles can change and move so they don't end up in lava and die.

    There are also items to take including Weapons, Armor, Potions and Boardcrafting cards. On a turn, a player can make an attack, pick up an item, as well as play a "Genesis action" which means they can add a tile to the board.

    The goal is to collect achievement points by completely missions and killing other players. Missions are randomly distributed and might be anything from collecting items, to performing in game actions such as pushing someone into water.

    Players can play in teams or free-for-all in completely new environments each game.

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