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Puzzle Master
Black Company
Black Company
by Kikacool (2014)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 1 minutes
  • Party Game
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • Kikacool
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Player Elimination
  • Artists
  • Kikacool
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    User summary:
    In Japan, a "black kigyou" (literally means "black company") is like a sweatshop company. When a company exploits its employees in illegal ways, it is called a black kigyou. Karoshi (death from overwork) is one of the most tragic results caused by such a company.

    This game is a roll-and-move game with a theme of labor survival.

    Players are new employees of a "black company". When employed, they are willing to work for that company with full motivation, but their motivation will diminish soon. Each turn, the current player rolls a die and advances their pawn that number of squares around the board. Then, depending on the square that player landed on, a trouble or a disaster may happen, reducing that player's motivation (and sometimes other player's too). A player wins the game if all the other players' motivations are reduced to zero.

    Players' way to advance is actually a loop because there's no way out of the company. This game is a party game which is full of black humour.

    Publisher's summary:
    ?????????""BLACK COMPANY""?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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