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BattleTech: Recognition Guide – IlClan Volume 29


The march of technology across BattleTech’s eras is relentless—but some BattleMech designs never die. Each installment of this PDF-only series not only includes a brand new BattleMech or OmniMech, but also details Classic ’Mech designs from both the Inner Sphere and the Clans, now fully rebuilt with Dark Age technology (3085 and beyond).

Volume 29 Includes Rules and Record Sheets for:

• Dragoon Battle Armor (Std/WD/Upgrade/Upgrade WD)
• Command Van (Fusion/ICE/Q-Vehicle)
• Browning Mobile HQ (Wheeled/Half-track)
• Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (Cell)/C
• Eurus MBT Prime/A/B/C/D
• Ontos Heavy Tank (Chemical Laser)
• Firefly FFL-5A
• Assassin ASN-109
• Dervish DV-11DK
• Charger C
• Sagittaire SGT-14R

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