
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Bannum & Bellum
Bannum & Bellum
by (Self-Published)
Player Count
1 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 45 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Medieval
  • Designers
  • Pablo López
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Hand Management
  • Artists
  • Yolanda Alcaine
  • Family
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The world is in war. War brings conflict, and violence and greed bring profit. You are a mercenary leader, a general. You have no land nor flag, and tou crave fortune, be it power, wealth or knowledge. The Lords you work for have given you the resources to fight their battles. Be cunning and lead your troops to voctory. Win the war!

    BELLUM is a card game where players take the role of a war General. They will choose their units and send them to the battle.

    Each battle takes place in a Battleground, where the players will put their cards to work for 1 coin each. The cards have different units, and they can combine with each other in different ways, supported by their Commander. The players’ objective is to arrange their troops in the best possible way to maximize their score.

    When the battle (round) is finished, the winner will claim the Battleground and this will count as a victory.

    The player who first achieves the objective number of victories will be the winner.

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