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💛 Azzelij
by Zuzu Board Games (2017)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 1 hour
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Rodrigo Sampaio Rodriguez
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Artists
  • Rodrigo Sampaio Rodriguez
  • Rating: 7.74/10 from 9 users


    The arabic word "Azzelij" means "small polished stone" and is known as the historical origin of the world "Tile".

    In Azzelij, two to four players compete to build a beautiful tile panel, trying to get more points with your own colors.

    Each player have 12 tile pieces at their stock pile that are used do form circle patterns, like an artist trying to get the best part of the pannel! At first round, each player get 3 tiles from their pile and than draw one each subsequent round, maintaining 3 options to play at almost all time. In your turn, you must place one tile (considering that you cant extend the panel mor than 7x7 tiles away) and optionally rotate 90º clockwise another placed tile (only if the rotated tile is not forming a circle pattern yet). The turns goes until the 7x7 panel is created.

    You score one point creating circle patterns with absolute majority of your colour and 3 points if the circle created has only your color. You also score bonus points (1 for each circle) if the scored circle is created only by your pieces.

    Ar fisrt glance, Azzelij seems to be a simple tile placement, but as the game flows players faces lots of hard decisions to make: May I get a point or avoid another player to get a better position? May I close the 7 piece limit to stop opponents to grow at one edge or stay creating my pattern? May I risk to get a full-colored circle of mine or get two or more majority-only circle points?

    As the game flows, the decisions ar harder to take and the panel gets its 7x7 piece formation, that increases the difficulty and fun!

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