
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by SimplyFun (2021)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Exploration
  • Educational
  • Artists
  • Brian Kolodziejski
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Shapes and lines are essential building blocks in our visual vocabulary. If you look, you will see rectangles, squares, cones, triangles, circles, straight lines and curved lines in everything around you. The ability to identify basic shapes and how they relate to each other is the foundation for understanding and solving more complex geometrical and patterning problems.

    Asymbol provides you with 47 unique shapes to pick from as you assemble things, beings, places and events/activities to challenge others to guess your vision!

    Object of the Game
    Players take turns being an Asymbler (builder) by drawing a card, choosing one of the two subjects and using the various shaped pieces to create their subject. At the same time, the other players try to guess what is being created. The correct guesser and the Asymbler each earn a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

    Place all 47 Asymbol pieces in the middle of the play area.

    Shuffle the card deck, and place it facedown next to the Asymbol pieces, creating a draw pile.

    Give each player a pass token to be placed near them.

    Hand the scorepad and pencil to a player to keep score for each round.

    When starting the game, determine how many rounds to play before the game ends. A round ends when each player has had the chance to be the Asymbler.

    The first player to name a shape starts as the first Asymbler.

    Make sure the Asymbler can reach the pieces and has enough space in front of them to build.

    How to Play
    On your turn as the Asymbler, draw the top card from the deck, keeping it hidden from the other players, and choose one of its two subjects.

    Pass Token
    If both subjects are unfamiliar or too challenging, you may use your pass token to discard your current card and draw a new one from the draw pile. After using the token, return it to the box. Each player has only one opportunity to use their token as an Asymbler, so choose wisely.

    When you are ready to start, announce the category of your chosen subject. Only share the category and not the subject you are going to create.

    Assembling and Guessing
    To create your subject, use any number of the Asymbol pieces from the play area. You can create with pieces lying flat or by building vertically. Moving the pieces is allowed to show motion and help portray your subject. You may not speak while you build, but making sound effects is allowed. You may use body language (nods and hand gestures) to indicate if a player’s guess is on the right track or not. Once you begin to assemble, all the other players can start guessing. They guess at the same time and can continue to make guesses until someone’s guess is correct. There is no time limit, but you may end your turn if you feel like no one can correctly guess the subject. Otherwise, the turn ends after a correct guess, and play continues clockwise.

    The first player to correctly guess the subject gets a point. If multiple players guess correctly at the same time, they all get a point. As Asymbler, you also receive a point for successfully creating a subject that another player could recognize. If there are no correct guesses and you choose to end your turn, then no one scores any points that turn. Return all the pieces you used to the play area, and place your card in the discard pile. Play continues clockwise with the next player becoming the Asymbler, drawing a new card, announcing a category and creating their subject with the pieces.

    End of Game
    After the agreed upon number of rounds has been completed, the player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, the players share the victory.

    -description from publisher

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