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Ant's Picnic
by (Unpublished)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Clive Lovett
  • Mechanisms
  • Area Movement
  • Memory
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Animals: Ants
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A two-player themed 'abstract' in which players race to get as much food off the table as possible. The ants with the most valuable food win!

    Wherever there is food, there are bugs! Help a pair of ants race to get food off the picnic table before the wind, the rain, a psycho kid with a magnifying glass and other bugs (among other events) destroy the food.

    Quick overview of rules:
    Each player takes a turn to roll two eight sided dice. The resulting values are used to move a pair of ants orthogonally across an 8 x 8 board representing a picnic table cloth. If a player rolls and 8 and a 5 he/she may move one ant up to 8 spaces and the other up to 5. If the ants land on matching food tokens, these tokens are removed from the board and placed in front of the player. The value of the tokens depends on which coloured squares they are removed from:
    Pink + white or red = 1 point per token
    Pink + pink = 2 points per token
    White + red = 2 points per token
    White + white = 3 points per token
    Red + red = 3 points per token

    However, there are restrictions to movement. A pop can or an ant blocks passage and cutlery, paper towels and gum slow down movement across the board.
    Event cards are drawn at specified points in the game. These event cards can further hinder movement, destroy food, or reduce its value.
    The number of event cards used determines the length of the game.
    There are three versions of the game:
    1) The regular game
    2) A kids version
    3) An advanced version
    The ants who have collected the highest valued food at the end of the game are the winners!

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