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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Adobe Wells
Adobe Wells
by Atlantic (1977)
Player Count
  • Wargame
  • Miniatures
  • American Indian Wars
  • Mechanisms
  • Hex-and-Counter
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Grid Movement
  • Family
  • Il Gioco delle Battaglie
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    User summary:
    In the year 1977, Atlantic produced, inside their 15 games-line called “Il Gioco delle Battaglie” (The Game of Battles), 5 "board-wargames" of the Old West/Indian Wars theme (code numbers from 1456 to 1460 in their catalog).

    Each set included 1/72-HO scale toy soldiers, vehicles and accessories from Atlantic production, plus a different playing field game-map, related rules and historical introductory notes for every battle.

    The game-maps (large pieces of paper of 68 for 68,5x49 cm) were photographs from above of 3D dioramas of hypothetical battlefields of the battles represented. On the back of the game-map sheets were shown the assembly diagrams for the parts contained in the package and the game rules, in four languages, with numerous illustrations for clarification.

    The main fight rules were checkers/chess like: the player pieces must enter the enemy squares to eliminate his soldiers, with some hierarchical precedencies: e.g. no foot soldiers can eliminate horse-mounted ones. Non dice were used anywhere in the games.

    From the publisher (translated):
    Adobe Walls - June 27, 1874 – n°1458
    The village of the Canadian name Adobe Wells in Texas served as centre for goods exchanges with the Comanches and Kiowas. The spreading of the buffalo hunting that menaced their life-style enraged the Comanches, Kiawos and Cheiennes so much, that they attacked the village under Quanah Parker's orders, on June 27, 1874. After a ten hours battle the Americans had 3 fallen and the Indians 80. The assault had failed, since the buffalo hunters were all sharp shooters.

    One of the two players keeps the Americans and the other keeps the Indians. The American player moves first, but initially the soldiers are placed outside the west side of the playing map. The Indians player goes second, but start with his pieces already on the squares on the east border of the map.
    A) On each square the players may place from 1 to a max. of 4 soldier pieces.
    B) Each piece may be moved l square at a time.
    C) Each piece may move in a straight line only, never diagonally.
    D) Each turn each player can move only the pieces that start the turn on the same square: i.e., at each turn can be moved only the pieces of 1 square (one or more of them).
    E) Foot soldiers only (i.e.: no vehicles or horses) may enter the squares where there are houses.
    A) In order to eliminate the enemy pieces it is necessary to enter the square where they stand.
    B) Foot soldiers con eliminate only other foot soldiers (e.g.: no horse mounted ones).
    C) All the enemy pieces in a square are eliminated even if only a single adversary piece enter the square.
    The player who succeeds in eliminating all opposing forces is the winner of the battle.

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