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Puzzle Master
A House in New Orleans
A House in New Orleans

Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Horror
  • Deduction
  • Murder/Mystery
  • Designers
  • Patrick Rhett Siebert
  • Mechanisms
  • Pick-up and Deliver
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Cooperative Play
  • Press Your Luck
  • Family
  • Cities: New Orleans (Louisiana, USA)
  • States: Louisiana
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A mansion in French Quarter has been the center of woe for 30 years. Its taxes are paid, and the power is on, but no one has seen anything in the house for years. Suddenly you have received an invitation that requests you to come for dinner at this address. "I know what you are looking for, and you will find the answers you need here on this night". You have just been invited to play A House in New Orleans A game for 2-6 players. Some will call it a player deduction game or a game with a traitor mechanism, but most will call it horrifyingly intense.
    You are invited to A House in New Orleans come hungry.

    The game takes place in an old mansion in New Orleans. Each room contains two item cards face down. Players select unique characters with special abilities and stats. They will move from room to room discovering items. Some may be traps that impede players, some may be special items that improve a character. You may only choose to carry one item, so every room will provide a new discovery and a decision.

    Human Goal:
    Players are attempting to find all three items that their character requires. When one player finds all three items the game is over. If all but one player has 2 items, the game is over as well. Each of the collected items has a point value and the points are totaled at the end of the game. You must be careful what items you choose to collect, if the items you collect are of too low a point value a player with fewer items may still win.

    Vampire goal:
    Did I mention a lonely vampire has disguised themselves among the dinner guests? The goal for the original vampire is not to acquire items themselves, but to "Turn" human players that have already acquired items. You see, nothing tastes as good as hope. If a human is attacked and can’t fend off the vampire, they are now secretly a vampire themselves looking for their victim. If the vampire is successfully fended off the vampire is not “revealed” and may become invisible (hidden player movement). If the vampire turns a player, the new vampire gains points for the items they have already acquired but give the Vampire that turned them points as well. They do not give their "Parent" vampire points from the new victims they acquire. The closer a human player is to completing their goal the more valuable they are, but the more human players you "Turn" the more competition you make for yourself. If you wait too long, they may be able to fend you off

    The Clock:
    The old grandfather clock gongs on the hour, at which time a new event card is turned over. These events are random but become worse for the humans as the game progresses. The humans may skip an event if they place an item that turn. Do you help the other humans even though it may mean losing the game to avoid the next horrible is up to you.

    Does it sound simple? It is simple to learn, and as complex as the mind of the players that you play against.

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