
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
???????? (Why can I read this?)
???????? (Why can I read this?)
by ??? (Fukuroudou) (2021)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Word Game
  • Party Game
  • Deduction
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • Fukutarou
  • Mechanisms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Induction
  • Artists
  • Fukutarou
  • Satoshi Takahata (?? ?)
  • Rating: 8/10 from 1 users


    In the game, players take turns asking the question. They read the answers to two texts and then show the texts to the other players. But certain parts of the text are blocked by round images, so the players must work out what is really being said. When they have solved two sections, they must perform the action being instructed. The player with the answer declares the first and second winners to perform the action required, who get points.

    The first player to reach six points wins the game.

    The illustrated texts show examples such as round ladybirds, fairy lights, koi, lanterns, a baseball, and an owl on the branch (the publisher being an owl).
    user summary

    This is a new, easy party game that combines "quiz" and "action".
    Players are divided into contestants and respondents.
    The contestant chooses one question from the list of questions and checks the answer. Afterwards, the answers are published for the respondents to see. Respondents look at the published hole in the text and try to guess what it says.
    As soon as they have an idea of what it says, they move on to the next question. As soon as they know what it says, they take action.
    If one of the respondent's actions matches the answer, the contestant points out, "Correct!" The first correct answer is unconditional.
    The first correct answer gets one point unconditionally, and the second correct answer gets one point if it matches the answer to what they read in the text. The game is repeated in the same way, switching contestants.
    The game ends when one of the players scores 6 points.

    ?????+??????? ??????????????????
    publisher's summary

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