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Wormhole Bounty Hunters
Wormhole Bounty Hunters
by (Web published) (2023)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
5 minutes to 15 minutes
  • Science Fiction
  • Dice
  • Print & Play
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 8.5/10 from 2 users


    Be the first of two players to capture three bounties by navigating through the galaxy, exploring wormholes, and overcoming challenges based on die rolls.

    Wormhole Bounty Hunters, including the rules and tokens, is an A.I. (GPT-4) generated game for pen, paper, or printer, 2 dice and 2 players. (tokens were generated by OpenAi GPT-4 as .svg code)

    Expanded description of the game Wormhole Bounty Hunters:
    Wormhole Bounty Hunters is a thrilling two-player board game that takes place in the far reaches of the galaxy. Your objective as a player is to outsmart and outmaneuver your opponent to be the first to capture three bounties. The bounties represent (for instance) notorious criminals on the run, hiding in the vast expanse of space, waiting to be captured.

    The game unfolds on a 6x6 matrix board, representing the galactic expanse with 36 possible locations. These locations can be empty space, have a bounty value from 1 to 6, or contain a wormhole.

    Each player takes turns navigating through the galaxy, moving their spaceship from one location to another based on die rolls. The players begin the game at an xy-dice values based location and from there, they explore the galaxy, by rolling with their die and moving horizontally and or vertically, but not diagonally, the corresponding number of steps to a new (or same) location.

    Exploring a location reveals what's hidden in that sector of space. If it's a bounty, the player captures it by trying to throw the corresponding die value, add the bounty to their collection and place a space station (offering the possibilities for upgrade and shield tokens).
    If it's a wormhole, the player's spaceship is sucked in and spat out at a new xy location on the board, offering an unpredictable twist.
    If a bounty hunter arrives on a location where another bounty hunter is located, either by moving there, or via a wormhole, they can try to steal one of the opponents bounties by rolling a 6.

    The first player to capture three bounties and return safely to one of its own Space Stations wins the game.

    Wormhole Bounty Hunters is a game of strategy, luck, and exploration, filled with anticipation and surprises. Whether you're traversing through open space, capturing bounties, or tumbling through wormholes, every turn brings a new challenge.

    Generated by GPT-4, Wormhole Bounty Hunters is more than just a game; it's an adventure waiting to unfold. So gather your dice, draw or print your tokens, and embark on a thrilling hunt across the galaxy!

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