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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
The Original Intersection
The Original Intersection
by ern-jak printing, inc. (1981)
Player Count
2 to 6
  • Dice
  • Designers
  • Langley Brothers
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    "The Original Intersection TM" is the humorously intended title of a game that owes almost all of its creative inspiration to Parcheesi, the Westernized version itself of Pachisi. The designers are simply experimenting to see how little they have to change to come up with their own game that will make them a million dollars in royalties, (or at least a tidy income so they can design MORE games without otherwise having to work) and thus, avoiding copyright infringement lawsuits. As such, it IS a useful and instructive game, as it is almost certain that they would have made more money had they simply reproduced the original public domain version and sold it.

    The game differs from Parcheesi in that it has a jazzier layout, where the players move in a more complicated journey around a mazelike path of concentric circles. An additional option is the ability to play as a "partner" with other players, moving your partner's pieces once yours are all safely "home".

    Though the board itself IS reasonably attractive, this is purely a "novelty" game, purchased for no other reason than that probably nobody else had ever seen it. It is one step away from a total "home production", in that the parts are made nearly as cheaply as possible. Indeed, though it looks totally unplayed, the box is so flimsily designed, that it is bent in several places. The tokens are push pins with the pins removed to save production costs.

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