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The Hussite Trilogy Adventure Game: Tower of Fools
The Hussite Trilogy Adventure Game: Tower of Fools
by NANOO Games, superNOWA (2021)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 3 hours
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Medieval
  • Miniatures
  • Novel-based
  • Designers
  • Oskar Kida
  • Jan Raszynski
  • Mariusz Kur
  • Pawe? Oleszczuk
  • Mechanisms
  • Modular Board
  • Hand Management
  • Dice Rolling
  • Grid Movement
  • Artists
  • Manuel Castañón
  • Natalia Rodak
  • Bogna Gawro?ska
  • Astor Alexander
  • Adrianna G?owacka
  • Niuta Godlewska
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Crowdfunding: Wspieram
  • Rating: 9.33/10 from 3 users


    Hussite Trilogy the Adventure Game is a strategy board game, in which 2-4 players will test their tactical prowess in a plenty of missions. Explore two game modes (Adventure Mode and Competitive Mode) and embark on a journey in medieval Europe full of fantasy!

    HTAG is a board game adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's novel series. Events told in the books and the game happen in Year Of Our Lord 1420 in Silesia and Bohemia, torn apart by conflicts of political, religious and utterly private nature. In HTAG you can recruit a company of heroes known from the novel and pursue dangerous quests. Adventure Mode allows you to recreate events told in the novel (or even to change their course) - follow the footsteps of Reynevan and his friends! Competitive Mode will give you an opportunity to demand a trial by combat and challenge other players in several missions, i.e.: rescuing a prisoner, treasure hunt or drinking contest at a local fair.

    Gameplay in HTAG is based on a character activation system and d6 rolls, which are supplemented by decks of Adventure Cards. Both players alternate in activating their respective characters, performing actions in order to acquire objectives. Opposing teams meet in combat based on an intuitive system in which characters' Attributes are tested through d6 rolls. Players can also strengthen their attacks or weaken the enemy with Adventure Cards played from their hands. Soon a cautious player will discover a potential of combining characters' Abilities with their faction's Adventure Decks. This knowledge will be your power over friends and foes.

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