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The Chef King
The Chef King
by (Self-Published) (2017)
Player Count
1 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • David Santas
  • Mechanisms
  • Action / Movement Programming
  • Artists
  • David Santas
  • Family
  • Food / Cooking
  • Crowdfunding: Verkami
  • Rating: 9.33/10 from 3 users


    The Chef King(TM) is an educational boardgame instilling healthy eating habits by teaching nutrition principles.

    The game is based on a cooking competition where four chefs contend for the prize: A dinosaur chef (DinoChef), a superhero (MegaChef), an unicorn (UnniChef) and a little robot (RoboChef). Who will be the new Chef King?

    Game cards represent different dishes to be cooked, each one requiring two ingredients to be completed. With simple mechanics the players have to move through the different stores of the market to collect the ingredients. But, careful!!! Snacky, the one who snacks between hours, will eat your food!

    When time ends players must choose their completed dishes to make a menu. The menu includes a breakfast, a launch, an afternoon-snack and a dinner. The score depends on the type of dishes and their ingredients.

    The winner will be the player who makes the healthiest menu!

    Solo-player rules are also included in the game.

    —description from the designer

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