
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Suspicious Spuds
Suspicious Spuds
by Ginger Fox Ltd. (2020)
Player Count
3 to 17

Player Ages

Playing Time
5 minutes to 50 minutes
  • Deduction
  • Rating: 6/10 from 1 users


    The hilarious dinner party game! Keep your eyes peeled for the hidden signals… Will you spot the Suspicious Spuds!

    The host deals a coaster face down to everyone at the table with one Suspicious Spud shuffled in (2 for 10+ players). The host then chooses a number between 1 and 3. Each player finds the corresponding number on their coaster and does the actions listed and subtly say specific words anytime throughout the dinner. As the Suspicious Spuds will not have any actions or words on their coaster, they must pay attention and bluff their way through the dinner to remain undetected.

    At the end of the dinner, each player points to who they think is the Suspicious Spud(s). If the Spud(s) remain undetected, they win!

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