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Power Rangers Collectible Card Game
Power Rangers Collectible Card Game
by Bandai (2008)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Collectible Components
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • TV Series: Power Rangers
  • CCGs (Collectible Card Games)
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 5/10 from 2 users


    It's time to relive all of your favorite battles from the ever popular kid's show Power Rangers!!!

    Each player shuffles their Deck and cuts their opponent's Deck.

    Turn Flow

    STEP 1: Each player draws a card from the top of their Deck to their hand.

    STEP 2: Each player can then choose to select a card from their hand, if available.

    STEP 3: In order to play a card in battle, a player must fulfill the Hand Cost requirement located on that card (see Symbol ). To do this, a player removes a specified number of cards from their hand to their “Discard Pile” that is equal to the amount indicated by Symbol . If the Hand Cost requirement can’t be met, that card can’t be played.

    STEP 4: Each player then puts down the card they have chosen for battle on the count of three. “1..2..3!”. (For strategic purposes, players have the option of bluffing their opponent by not putting down a card at the count of three.)

    STEP 5: If a player plays a card and their opponent does not, the player inflicts “Damage” to their opponent (see Step 6C). If neither player plays a card, nothing happens and both players return to Step 1.

    STEP 6: When both players have played a card, the battle begins!

    A.Each player must refer to Symbol on their card which indicates the Battle Element that each player’s opponent will be using for this battle. If a player’s card has multiple Battle Elements listed here, the player has the option to choose any one of them.

    B.Each player now looks at the value indicated on their chosen Battle Element (See Symbol ). The player with the higher value wins the battle! (If the values are equal, it is considered a “draw” and both players return to Step 1). The winning player now gets to inflict “Damage” to their opponent.

    C.When receiving Damage, the losing player must draw a number of cards from the top of their deck equal to the amount indicated on the winning player’s card (See Symbol ). Move all used cards to their Discard Pile.
    Winning the Game

    Repeat Steps 1 through 6 until a player is required to draw a card and cannot due to a lack of cards in their Deck.

    That player loses the game. If both players must draw a card and cannot due to a lack of cards in their Decks, the game result is a “Draw”.

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