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Matching Manatees
Matching Manatees
by (Self-Published) (2014)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Sonya Writes
  • Acacia Justice
  • Mechanisms
  • Memory
  • Matching
  • Artists
  • Sonya Writes
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Rating: 6.75/10 from 2 users


    A memory card game of trying to get your manatees home avoiding getting hit by the boats.
    "The cards are set up in a 5x5 grid. This is the "ocean" where the manatees are swimming. The 4 corners is where the "home" cards go and the very center is a stack of shuffled boat cards that should be face up. All other spaces should each have stacks of two manatee cards on them face down. "
    "On your turn, you...

    ----1. Flip over two manatee cards. If they match, leave them face up. If they do not match, turn them face down again. (OR: if there is a stack of two face-down manatee cards adjacent to an empty space with no manatee cards, you may move the top card from the stack of two into the empty space instead of flipping any cards over.)

    ----2. If any of YOUR manatees are face up, you may move one of them toward their home location. If you have face up manatee cards that are adjacent to each other, any adjacent manatee can follow the card that moved by moving into the space it just left, and an adjacent manatee can follow that card, and so on. Manatees move up/down and left/right but not diagonal. If a manatee makes it home, that manatee is safe and counts as a point toward winning.

    ----3. If you moved a manatee you have to move a boat one space too (unless there are no boats left). The boat has to go toward the location matching the manatee on the card, moving up/down and left/right but not diagonal. If the boat lands on the same space as any face-up manatee, the manatee is removed from the game. The boat only moves one space per turn, even if several manatees moved by following the manatee you initially moved. When the boat makes it to the home location, the boat is out of the game.

    (Note: You can play competitively or cooperatively. You can move the boats to take your opponents manatees out of the game on purpose or you can work together to have none of the manatees get hit by boats.
    Players keep taking turns until one of the players has all of their manatees out of the game, either from getting hit by a boat or making it safely home. At this point, players should count up all the manatees they got home. Each manatee counts as one point. Whoever has the most points wins."

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