
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Hvem bliver godsejer?
Hvem bliver godsejer?
by Drechsler (1950)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 40 minutes
  • Farming
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • C. Drechsler
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Trading
  • Dice Rolling
  • Income
  • Ownership
  • Track Movement
  • Artists
  • C. Drechsler
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Who will be landowner.
    Each player own one or more farm, at the beginning of the game, but with out animal, machines, fields or barns.
    The player who at the end of the game have the highest value (animal, machines and money) wins the game.
    Each player is given 1 or more pawn, 10.000 Dkr and one or more farm (one for each pawn), depending on the numbers of player.
    On your turn you roll the dice and move your pawn that many steps.
    If you end on an animal or machine, you get that card, either from the bank or if another player has that card, from them. If you have 2 of the same animal, you exchange the card with a double animal card, that you can not lose.
    If you end on a farm, that is own by another player, you can exchange animal cards, to try and have a pair
    If you end on a field or barn, and nobody own that, you get it, if another player own that field or barn you will pay them 1000 Dkr
    If you end on the Bank, you must pay the bank 2000 Dkr
    If you end on Rodekontor yopu must pay your taxes 3000 Dkr

    The game end when you decide, or after a certain time.
    The winner is the player with the highest value (animal, machine and money).
    The value for the Horse or cow is 2000 Dkr each, Pig and Sheep is 500 Dkr, Car is 5000 Dkr, Tractor, sowing machine & self-binding machine is 2000 Dkr, the rest is 500dkr.

    —user summary

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