
Active Sellers
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Puzzle Master
Happy Doggo
Happy Doggo
by (Self-Published) (2023)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Party Game
  • Deduction
  • Memory
  • Animals
  • Mechanisms
  • Tug of War
  • Highest-Lowest Scoring
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Happy Doggo is a (typically) 2-4 player game of chaotic point collection! Pick your Doggo's and use your cards and abilities to bury as much treasure in your yard as you can before it's all gone! House rules are encouraged!

    At the start of the game, each player will pick their favorite Dog character card to represent them and draw 3 cards from their deck, which is split up from the main deck included between each player. Each Dog has a once per game power they can use to get an advantage. Each turn, you will either play a card OR do what's called a Tug of War to try and steal other players cards. On your turn you may also use your Dogs power as well as playing a card or initiating a Tug of War.

    There are 2 kinds of Action cards, red and blue cards. Blue cards represent positive Paw points and will always be played in your own Yard (the space in front of each player is a yard) while red cards will always be played in opponents yards.

    Each card does something, so when played, resolve it's action and then pass the turn or use your Dog power. When, if for any reason, there are two copies of a card in someones' yard, resolve the card if it's being effect is being used, then immediately Bury the cards by flipping them over and putting them under your Dog card. At the end of each turn, you draw back up to 3 cards.

    Tug of War's are done by picking a face up card in another players yard and saying you want to Tug of War for it, which means that the challenging player and the opposing player both reveal the bottom of their decks and compare who has the higher number. The highest number wins and whoever wins gets the card and the effect of the card is used again.

    When a player can't draw a card, the game ends and each player counts up their points to see who is the winner!

    -description from publisher'

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